Health coaching designed just for you
Get ongoing support & motivation from a dedicated health coach
Stay on top of your progress with a mobile app that syncs with your favorite fitness devices
Build healthy habits that last with personalized plan, lesson and tips
Get ongoing support & motivation from a dedicated health coach
Stay on top of your progress with a mobile app that syncs with your favorite fitness devices
Build healthy habits that last with personalized plan, lesson and tips
Meet a few of our expert health coaches
Vida’s certified health coaches have deep experience across many specialties.
Our members say it best
Our members say it best
“I’ve lost two dress sizes and I sleep well most nights and am full of energy in the morning. I never have heartburn anymore, and I no longer struggle to get up from the floor or crouch down to reach things.”
— Ariana
Our members say it best
“I feel I’m able to handle stressful situations better if they occur by not bringing negative energy into things that influence me. I can feel the difference now in how my body is handling my triggers.”
— Mark
Our members say it best
“I got farther in 1 year than I have in 2 decades on my own! My coach gave me my life back!”
— Jenny
Our members say it best
“My energy is high every day. I’ve lost more than 25 pounds and every aspect of my life has improved!”
— Brad
Get started with Vida today
Get started with Vida today!
Meet your care team and make a plan for change that works for you.
Meet your care team and make a plan for change that works for you.
If you need help to enroll or have any questions, email or call (855) 442-5885.
Visit your member FAQ page to find answers to commonly asked questions.